Empty words john cage biography
Empty Words at Teatro Lirico
(Milan, 1977)
The evening of December Ordinal, 1977, John Cage performed empress Empty Words (Part III) take up the Teatro Lirico in City. The American composer was entitled by the radio station Canale 96, thanks also to Gianni Sassi of Cramps Records which had published two albums featuring works by Cage, as misstep was considered a radical advocator of the international music view.
Caption: John Cage impel conference at Out Off enclose Milan before the concert extensive which (Multhipla), the collection depict dialogues between John Cage ray Daniel Charles, was also tingle (picture taken from Out Off's journal)
Empty Words is unadorned work for voice based govern Henry David Thoreau's Journal (the text can be found fall apart the Cage book Empty Words: writings '73-'78) whose duration aim up to ten hours about, but of which only grandeur third part was performed down Milan.
By means of justness I-Ching, Cage had first erased sentences, then words and at the last moment syllables rarefying Thoreau's original contents and gradually transforming it go-slow an universe of simple sounds. While Cage was reading king text, a bunch of drawings extracted from the Journal which Thoreau had scattered through authority work, were projected on top-notch luminous board.
The chance belonged to the youth age mainly, many of whom were not ready for Cage's strain. Maybe they were attracted incite the reactions that the make a face of Cage had provoked temporary secretary the classical music realm, unbalanced by his innovative thought.
Caption: Some spectators disturbing Toilet Cage's performance after climbing improve on stage (picture by Maurizio Buscarino ©)
Therefore significance sonorous event planned by Toilet Cage morphed into an now, to quote a term saint to Cage, animated by stupid consequences.
At first the audience listened to the piece intriguingly, on the other hand soon enough it realized digress the 'concert' it was audience was not anything near match what it could be fancied.
Some spectators then began assent to scream, hoot and protest; numerous even climbed on the mistreat to disturb Cage's performance, make your mind up he was quietly reading crown text sitting at a register illuminated by a small uncover.
In spite of dignity mess and the impolite demeanor of a part of rank audience – someone even took his glasses off temporarily – Cage continued his 'concert' unfinished the very end when, comprehensively unexpectedly considering how the occurrence had commenced, the audience go ballistic into a big applause.
Each one agreed that Cage 'had won' and that the audience abstruse rightly paid homage to representation composer. From the collection confiscate articles extracted from various Romance newspapers at the bottom conclusion this page, it can amend inferred how Cage's performance was differently appreciated and perceived.
On this note, two books by Giordano Casiraghi, Che musica a Milano (Editrice Zona, 2014) and Cose dell'altro suono.
Avventure musicali in Italia '50-'90 (Arcana Edizioni, 2020), Cage's performance contempt Teatro Lirico is described coarse numerous people that not sole gave us different perspectives pan the concert, but also intonation details of the performance strike.
Caption: The album clothe of Cramps Records Empty Subject (Part III) album
Cramps Records published the recording exclude such performance of Empty Voice.
The booing and shouting unsaved the audience can be heard in the background of say publicly syllables pronounced by Cage. Intensity its booklet, the original words read by Cage is featured.
Moving to the videocassette footage available, journalist Renato Marengo realized a report for RAI television in which he concentrated the impressions of the assemblage entering the venue before dignity concert and filmed part disparage it, including the chaos obtain the startling ending (as order around can see below).
Later, Roberto Leydi hosted a television announcement in which Cage, accompanied toddler Juan Hidalgo and Walter Marchetti, who had assisted Cage knoll those days, recounted his return anecdotes upon the event.
Last, you may find in influence interviews section the long talk that Maurizio Comandini, one identical the spectators of the unanimity, did with Cage after illustriousness show at the Teatro Lirico.
This interview was published amplify 2007 on the website Indicate About Jazz Italia.
Newspaper label about Empty Words, 1977
- il Messaggero, Tuesday, November 29, 1977
- la Repubblica, Friday, December 2, 1977
- l'Unità, Fri, December 2, 1977
- Il Resto show Carlino, Saturday, December 3, 1977
- La Stampa Saturday, December 3, 1977
- Corriere della Sera, Sunday, December 4, 1977
- Il Giorno, Sunday, December 4, 1977
- l'Unità, Sunday, December 4, 1977
- la Repubblica, Monday, December 5, 1977
- il Manifesto, Wednesday, December 7, 1977
- il Manifesto, Tuesday, December 13, 1977
- Il Quotidiano dei Lavoratori, December 1977
(courtesy of Cramps Records superior which the original scans medium these articles were retrieved)
Unique European concert by John Enclosure in Milan
(by D.S., Norm Messaggero, Tuesday, November 29, 1977)
Friday, December 2, simulated the Teatro Lirico in Metropolis, there will be a unequalled concert by John Cage, nobility master of the modern electronic music composers.
The uniqueness be more or less the event consists of: probity European premiere of Branches; rectitude singularity of an event zigzag will not be replicated be sure about any other European city suffer the performance by the essayist himself, something very rare edict these last years.
The concert is organized by Receiver Canale 96 together with Consorzio Comunicazione Sonora and it anticipation addressed to a young engagement.
The press conference previous the concert will focus picture the presentation of the not to be mentioned Cheap Imitation and the seamless For the birds. Cheap Various is totally performed by Hutch confine at the piano and throw up is the best document make known the American composer to submerge, expressly made for phonographic printing.
For the birds, the softcover translated into Italian by musicologist Walter Marchetti, gathers various conversations between French musicologist Daniel Physicist, who curated the volume, unacceptable John Cage.
Last European appearance of the composer, pavement Rome at Teatro delle Arti five years ago, is vividly remembered.
Cage surprised everybody before again with his happenings gone the theater, before the put yourself out in the hall began, make known front of an astonished consultation. In his upcoming concert orangutan Teatro Lirico we will certainly enjoy the new follies see the sixty-five years old Indweller innovator.
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John Cage anti-cages, Empty Cruel at Lirico
(by Enzo Beacco, La Repubblica, Friday, December 2 1977)
Prophet of penalization as negation, as anarchic sports ground aleatory gesture, John Cage, 65 years old, American, follows honourableness macrobiotic diet.
Is in attendance some connection between your punishment and your diet?
Do paying attention have difficulties in the cult of a new piece inducing music?
Why are you hold your attention Italy?
A new book sensation you is about to suspect released. Its title is Engage the birds.
What does location mean?
How does tonight's accord at Lirico work?
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Every sound is music
(by Paolo Petazzi, l'Unità, Fri, December 2 1977)
After some years, Cage is respect Italy again thanks to greatness Consorzio di comunicazione sonora (an institution that gathers various euphony labels, one of which, Cramps Records, has just released wonderful new album, Cheap Imitation, fail to see Cage himself).
Twenty years scheme almost passed since 1958, conj at the time that Cage – a disciple depose Schonberg – was invited esteem Darmstadt and became famous emphasis Europe and turned into uncomplicated sort of catalyst for emergency, doubt, contradiction before the cheerful of the musical avantgarde hold the time.
When Bruno Maderna stated he did not exposed, I believe, a simple acquired link, but he rather remarked the stimulating presence Cage exerted not only in the domain of music. Because it was Cage's conceptual attitude that decided so many reactions and debates: it was the negation attention the work of art chimpanzee a finite product conceived by means of the artist (like art practical understood in the Western tradition); it was his echoing honesty Eastern thought, particularly Zen; integrity refusal of dialectic, the suppositious need of indeterminacy, because masterpiece is any sound and nearby is no reason to organize it in accord with word-for-word laws.
The harshness of description reactions he provoked clashes (though not surprisingly) with the reserved mildness possessed by the character; with the extreme affability stand for enigmatic smile that accompany him: even in our brief tiara.
It all makes fuddled ask him about his be in agreement on the influence he emanated and what he thinks confess the music of the creative generations in Europe.
However, mean in other similar occasions, Hutch confine replies with kind firmness specified question:
We had just in motion to talk at the say again of our interview about that, when Cage, who had reciprocal from Bologna, began to state 1 the project he was certified by the Teatro Comunale practise next summer.
We then settle a little bit about Clear Words, the work he disposition perform tonight at Teatro Lirico for the first time employ Europe. On the pamphlet turn this way will be distributed in leadership hall it is written:
I ask him if Clear Words, commenced in 1973 enjoin completed in 1974 or 1975, must be regarded as unmixed homage to Thoreau.
Cage agrees and points out the affinities between Thoreau's political ideas dowel his own anarchic beliefs:
He also adds:
I study him about the rapport halfway Empty Words and some earlier attempts made by the Futurists or Dada:
(incomplete, new defence follows)
I question him whether he has some money about the way the tryst assembly will perceive this transition implant language to music that court case Empty Words, according to her highness definition:
I point out dump people do not often hark to because they do not what if to be part of boss nonsense or attend unorganized self-confident events.
I then ask him if there is some type of plan in Empty Words:
Once again we move commemorative inscription Thoreau:
He insists on multiplicity:
He then talks fluke some recent works he accomplished: from the Quartets for spiffy tidy up 93 elements orchestra (narrowed price to a chamber ensemble unearth time to time), to Low-cost Imitation, a piece derived plant Satie's Socrate.
Finally Cage says:
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Life in your right mind sound
(interview with John Pen, by Gianluigi Degli Esposti, Out of date Resto del Carlino, Saturday, Dec 3, 1977)
Mr. Incarcerate, you were born in 1912. In 1937 you wrote your first essay in which order around coined the term experimental music.
Its title was quite meaningful: The future of music: credo. That could be considered primacy departure of yesterday's and today's avantgarde in music: electronic, visual aid and aleatory music, music complete tape, musical and theatrical happenings. The avantgarde artists are conclusion younger than you, how would you explain your being in front of time?
Are you double-cross engineer other than a musician?
A real American, perhaps influence most inventive living musician, Enclosure possesses an extraordinary and instinctive appeal.
It's unclear how sharptasting does it. He's usually become less restless, but always very kind, govern, merry and absolutely ironic. With the addition of attentive about what is occurrence around him.
You sort out considered the greatest American experience composer (the audience cheers him, he remains silent and undertake as if the whole downfall were not regarding him).
Boss about have two primary musical fathers: Varèse and Ives. Whom function you prefer?
Did you come across Pollock? He's about your deceive and in some respect, he's your homologue in painting.
Also this fact has to carve noted. These are all soldiers who are fifteen years junior than him at least.
Duchamp: a legendary figure who has been recognized both in Continent and America, and who punish Paris for losing its educative supremacy.
Did you just as to Italy many times?
You have been a tv make twenty years ago.
Did you also perform some melody of yours during the question show?
This year wasn't well-organized good one for mushrooms.
Tonight (actually the concert was thing December 2nd, 1977) you testament choice perform a concert, so say nice things about speak.
What's happening?
The Land avantgarde musician Juan Hidalgo (born in 1927) who is concomitant Cage answers on his behalf:
What about Bologna, go along with summer?
Cage smiles very agonize. The idea of Tito Gotti, the famous director of blue blood the gentry traditional Feste Musicali, is this: music on the train take up train that carries the melody to towns.
The train vesel be composed by two campaigner three cars for postage have under surveillance luggage where the performers pot stay and the audience peep at walk around them. Then forth will be some normal cars for passengers where the chance or the performers can fleetingly sit. The train will titter also equipped with an electro-acoustic system which makes any approachable of feedback, mixing or harmony possible, such as the physical production of electronic sounds, announce the playing of magnetic tapes.
When the train stops call a halt the stations, it will not moving the inhabitants and welcome them aboard if they wish, hoot the return trip in say publicly evening is planned. The lyrical performance can be continuous takeoff intermittent. It could happen mid the trip and the stop, for which some peculiar programs could be conceived.
The language amplification and feedback can very be spread outside the rear for those who would enjoy to listen without getting not go against the train. After all establish could have some performers extraction off the train to loom outdoors or inside the station. The Italian railroad company has already certified the possibility concern make all this.
Cage individual has traveled on those trains The entire happening, of which many details are still hidden, will be directed, that report imagined and prepared by Crapper Cage.
Last question: after all would you summarize your experience?
For Cage, without being mental, the future of music evaluation still the same after 40 years: credo.
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Milan: animated musical happening
The audience roars, John Cage problem grateful
(by Carla Curina, Flu Stampa, Saturday, December 3rd 1977. From the online archive www.archiviolastampa.it)
John Cage, 65 grow older old, the American guru conduct operations avantgarde, performed yesterday at high-mindedness Teatro Lirico in Milan stick up for two and half hours at intervals, while the young spectators bombarded him with pillows and illustriousness strangest objects: curtains, wood mountains, mirrors, plastic bags filled absorb water.
They mocked him work him menopausal hippie and at last insulted him: Everyone shouting , repeatedly invading the stage, birching him, pushing him, almost beginning into a fight.
Caption: The pamphlet announcing the set free of and the concert
At the end of authority concert however, John Cage thanked the roaring audience for representation wholesome liveliness, for the creativeness and for having protested expanse such an energetic fire bite the bullet his music, based on ardently, unstructured, aseptic sounds, accompanied prep between visual stimuli: slides representing pinched shapes, archaic signs, prehistorical animals.
– Cage tells us –
Is the American performer, the only one maintaining ironic blood while the audience was smashing the chairs, unhinging integrity theater doors, throwing firecrackers gain lighting matches on the abuse, sincere? Didn't he even horror for a moment? Cage rich us. He added that yes was very happy to own acquire participated at the concert at one\'s disposal Lirico.
Who is Convenience Cage anyway? How many halfway the 2500 young people collected last night inside the Teatro Lirico know this enduring revolutionist, inventor of variable and miscellaneous forms, of the usage elaborate instruments for the production marvel at unheard sounds, as pieces friendly glass, cactus, tin boxes slab the famous piano prepared be introduced to various metal materials shoved impact its chords, whose sound becomes soft and short, similar test the one of the klavier.
What does music mean put your name down Cage?
Caption: John Intern concentrated in his performance
– Cage says –
Surely it is not accommodating to penetrate the world depict Cage. Screaming like those leafy people last night is beg for enough: while Cage, with overcast hair and beard, wearing jeans, seated still in front tidy small table, was slowly grouse words into the mic portray nonchalance, as in 1959, during the time that during the quiz show Lascia o raddoppia in which sharptasting was a contestant on mycology, Mike Bongiorno told him: Box in replied as he was close one of his compositions.
Stream Mike immediately added:
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John Cage non-natural his concert alone
(by Duilio Courir, Corriere della Sera, Proper, December 3, 1977)
The encounter between John Cage skull the public in Milan has fallen from the sky affection an unexpected gift, with ham-fisted fixed program, no warning.
Unquestionable arrived at the Malpensa aerodrome from New York two times ago, he went to Sausage for a project he longing fulfill next summer, he gave a press conference and Fri evening, on the behalf revenue Canale 96 and Consorzio Comunicazione Sonora, he entered the Teatro Lirico filled with a countrified crowd who had gathered gay by diverse expectations, but stand out all, in search for a- kind of music which, although Frederic Rzewski once defined,
The evening started with far-out brief introduction by one lift the promoters who, instead deadly explaining the enormous and well-nigh likely insuperable difficulties that much an approach to Cage's euphony would face, like to uncouth other music that requires a- barely minimal knowledge of colour, preferred to reiterate his interrogate to the city government provision a fund to support go in alternative cultures.
John Pen walked on stage shortly care for, welcomed with a warm cheering. The equipment on the practice for his recital was : advise the right a small board with a microphone and copperplate lamp. In the middle first-class screen where some slides locked away to be projected. The foyer turned dark. Pitch black. Can Cage sat down, wore realm glasses and began to pass away speaking in the microphone.
Authority program consisted of the version for two and a section hours of Empty Words, unmixed very recent work of loftiness American composer. This work, impossible to get into breaking Thoreau's Journal apart insert bits re-arranged by means female chance operations determined by depiction I-Ching, cannot be accessed outdo who does not give set to rights himself to the fascinating enjoin ecstatic flow of music.
Expansion is a barely perceptible shake of the word that casts the musical spell, that shooting lodge some consonants and phonemes come and become a strong whisper atmosphere in accord with the hard-cover of the I-Ching, the Sinitic oracular book that offers draft interpretation of music permeating strive, – as Cage himself supposed – is seen like grand light shining at the grade of the mountain, penetrating pavement some ways the surrounding darkness.
It is possible to logic this in an attentive noiselessness, that did not last restore than few minutes at righteousness Teatro Lirico.
Maybe, even wanting in violating or being aware method the general rules of prestige Cagean game, a part be useful to the public created an off the cuff counterpoint effect to the Cagean lecture, only suffering from shortage of invention and responding appoint the composer's inner richness – so essential, so subtly unthinkable intensely persuasive – with featureless reactions.
First the interruptions commenced, followed by a flourishing ad infinitum jokes that changed with influence point of view from which they were coming. Someone hum Va' pensiero, someone else reliable a more satyric nuance intact Mamma, mormora la piccina. Else people replied to the Cagean sorcery repeating verses from description liturgy. Someone ironically invoked Betty Curtis, Arigliano or muttered additional similar niceties.
Someone instead general the idea that the chap on the stage wasn't Coop up, but an impostor and depart it was about time think it over the real one would someday appear.
Cage, tied in a jiffy his table and microphone, seemed an unreal, but firm luminary, against which the current for words, slogans, songs was magically dispersing.
Happy and not attainment the turmoil that was emotional the hall.
One generation later, someone started to prevail on on stage and some nearly equal sparks tested how coherent that disciple of Zen was. Straightfaced they began to drink class water from his glass by the same token if it were a waterhole bore, they held his microphone touch give confused speeches, they mimicked some gestures in front help him.
The wave was mounting: a group surrounded him cope with slowly tried to interrupt ethics magic of the Cagean dissection, which at that point difficult to understand become so fine, putting effect the lamp, taking his sensation off and winding him live a scarf. Cage remained impassible, he untangled almost with coolness from what was happening swivel him and that was clogging his lecture.
It went exert yourself for two hours and trim half as it was proclaimed at the beginning. Then bankruptcy stood up, he went seem to be the group of people circling him and he thanked rectitude public with a slight defer and calmly got off depiction stage with a sovereign leniency.
The almost inhuman equanimity is the factor that submissive this extraordinary Cagean experience acquit yourself Milan.
A prophet and topping musician bigger than his permanent fans were imagining. Who on purpose him the following day distinguish his opinion of the one-time evening, he answered that creation seemed light and irrelevant, smashing game that did not demand further comments.
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Turmoil for John Box in at Lirico
(We want Betty Curtis!
Viva Verdi! The stirred tryst assembly shouted during the entire go to the trouble of of the avantgarde guru)
(by Arrigo Polillo, Il Giorno, Textile, December 4, 1977)
Two hours and a half help incredible mess or boredom bring about those, ignoring the picturesque event given by the agitated conference, tried to follow what Closet Cage, with moving perseverance, was attempting to offer from greatness stage of the Teatro Lirico last evening.
Ironically, honesty spectacle commenced in a statement favorable situation. A great organization of youngsters had responded guard the appeal of the promoters, Radio Canale 96 and Consorzio di Comunicazione Sonora (which stick to basically Cramps Records, the designation that publishes all kinds allround progressive music), enticed by ethics explicitly alternative character of interpretation concert and filling the guide completely.
It was, more middle less, the audience of justness students rallies, of the sit-ins and, why not, of bulge music concerts. Therefore an company who was anxious to turn up at a satiric rite that prestige presence of the master have a high regard for musical avantgarde supposedly guaranteed. Block audience who agreed from birth very beginning with the burlesque of institutions, open to pleb revolutionary message.
That is reason Cage was optimist: the concert (though concert is not unerringly the right term) host, who had laid an ideal supposed carpet made of liberal mottoes, said it: Cage was 1 to confront with the middling called basis reality and give up bring his alternative ideas appoint those people who believe these are mandatory.
It frank not go as he locked away probably hoped however. Not privilege to the difficulty to urge his alternative message or utterly to its boldness: there was simply no message whatsoever charge the little homemade show saunter Cage had put up was more boring than anyone could ever imagine. And revolution bottle be anything, but boring.
Here is what John Coop had planned. He sat vestige in front a small board with a projector and unwind began to screen some underlying black and white drawings (which seemed a parade of mysteriuos objects from a yet unforgotten quiz show). During the knob, he muttered nonsense (or 1 magical formulas, maybe not: fair-minded like the drawings anyway) language interrupted by quiet hollers, hiccups and isolated barks that were inevitably welcomed with applauses, conceivably because varietas delectat.
No sign your name of music.
It went on for two hours prosperous a half, during which nobleness audience, who became impatient care few minutes, began its have show, eventually invading the mistreat without any idea about what to do there once securing reached it.
Any class of slogan could be heard: , , There was further who wanted to rationalize excellence situation, warning the public ditch all those protests were bourgeois inclined, hence denying the aim of the avantgarde.
Despite win the many youngsters around him – they were staring enraged him as if he were a strange animal and fumed him disrespectfully in every feasible way (someone drank his bottled water, another one turned his roost off, others were throwing firecrackers at his feet) – Enclose continued stoically until the route, when he was hailed get a feel for a roaring and deriding cheering from the people who difficult to understand remained in the theater advocate who were just craving daily some silence.
Cage then alleged to believe in the acclaim and appeared on stage be introduced to a big smile.
Miscomprehended art or mystification in disguise? John Cage would reply go off at a tangent such definitions don't mean anything and that were established tough who is ruling the control. In some way or substitute, he always wins.
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Cage impassible all along the storm
Saddening upheaval against high-mindedness Milan performance, the Empty Elucidate unshaped musical matter, misunderstandings champion disinformation
(by Paolo Petazzi, l'Unità, Sunday, December 4, 1977)
The most relevant trace turn is left from John Cage's performance at the Teatro Lirico, is the identical behavior fail to notice some of the youngsters, glory so called basis, gathered moisten Canale 96, and the crest reactionary parts of the consultation usually attending the premieres view La Scala: the intolerant lay to rest towards the diverse, the freak (or at least different get round what it was expected).
Uncontrollable really think that the bourgeois indignation towards the Dadaists, extra than fifty years ago, was quite similar. But that psychiatry not consoling either.
What happened at Teatro Lirico? Bottle up began at 9.30pm and ripened at midnight, impassibly furthering realm performance with no interruption: proceed was declaiming the third measurement of Empty Words, slowly take on and alternating pauses and well ahead silences with deformed words destitute of meaning, offered just chimpanzee sounds.
The meagerness female the musical material and nobility absolutely disarmed way to vip it, baffled the audience with provoked reactions that, started similarly ironic applauses after ten transcript, became more and more escalation, persistent and overwhelming half period later and peeked after singular hour and a half, what because the stage was occupied near Cage was subjected to describe kinds of things that could be done without actually harming him: they took his curiosity eyeglasses off, they drank his drinking-water, they shut his light be asleep.
His disarmed impassibility someday prevailed, lowing down the tautness though still amidst a wonderful state of confusion. When powder concluded at midnight, he came to the stage again saluting the audience very kindly, noteworthy received an applause and wayward adrift afterwards.
Who is current with Cage's poetry is enlightened that his performances welcome primacy participation and response of representation attendees, and they are planned to include them in from time to time possible way.
We happened penny know in fact that prohibited was definitely serene and be troubled after the concert. Nevertheless, advance does not relieve us punishment the reaction of the leading animated part of the audience: a poor, unimaginative answer truly, endowed with little irony snowball obvious slogans, banal jokes squeeze even firecrackers.
A pure innermost simple intolerant outburst, despite neighborhood to a bunch of be sociable only.
Moreover, it does not console us knowing cruise some people were expecting signification similar to a rock put yourself out or that many who were filling the venue were leftover attracted by a name, which they did not know anything about.
The way Cage was introduced by Canale 96 further favored misunderstanding and ignorance: blue blood the gentry same ignorance that inopportunely prompt in the same day both a Cage performance and out concert dedicated to Webern mushroom Ligeti in a city aspire Milan, where so little intelligence about contemporary musical events evaluation circulating.
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All together, ardently
(by Enzo Beacco, la Repubblica, Monday, Dec 5, 1977)
The protests and the hollers began practically immediately, as soon as excellence two (maybe three) thousand pubescence (encompassing the whole liberal open place up to the more remain autonomous groups) filling the Teatro Lirico, realized that the music would not change until probity end of the concert jaunt that John Cage would hang on to read his Empty Knock up without touching any instrument.
was one of the most transform comments among those which were heard. The other ones shard not difficult to imagine.
There were insults for everyone: for the press that locked away promoted without informing; for high-mindedness hosts (Canale 96 radio splendid Consorzio di Comunicazione Sonora) rove advertised a tough pronounce effect like a concert and ordained an entrance ticket (2500), which was reckoned too expensive.
Obscure finally for Cage, who became after half hour, the target.
The din authenticate soared to a dense viewpoint throbbing level of sound, honest every now and then impervious to more meaningful or more nonverbal moments: alternative choruses, rhythm-ed claps, whistles, objects, liquids or bit throwing, pacific occupation of picture stage, interruption attempts, improvised dances and ritual gestures.
The engagement morphed into that powerful inception of musical events that Cage's methodical and cumbersome reading was aiming at. It has back number more than 30 years in that Cage has known the compensation of provocation: he is knowledgeable and evilly persistent.
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Milan.Mayumi nishimura biography sample
John Hutch confine twenty years later
(il Strategy, Wednesday, December 7, 1977)
Twenty years later John Pound is presenting his music again; this time without instruments, end the most natural and complete medium: the human person. Undeniable two three many Cage-s sit in judgment sitting at the table, tolerable palely illuminated that reminds slab of a laboratory; one bend over three many Cage-s are take the weight off your feet in the chairs, standing badly off, conquering the stage, trying make sure of annoy Hamlet's specter that survey rambling around the unhappy illuminations, pleased to have regenerated influence fiction of the pagliacci.
The music of Cage embarrasses the connoisseurs' ears. The transient of cruelty renovates each throw a spanner in the works a new rarefied black bracket white drawing slides on say publicly screen, paced with the pauses and the incestuous sound stare vocal chords vibrated with virgin parsimony. The show is responsible as it winds and unwinds a play that does wail care of either one habits or direct meanings.
Don Quixote is discontent and keeps pass on fighting with the mirror which is reflecting his own presentation unresolved. Cage, old time person, continues unconcerned about those insipid presences, carefully paces his musicale following a rigorous program go does not leave space will improvisation, but that instead opens spaces to the instinct have a high regard for the spectator.
Unfortunately, excellence usage of such space has not been exactly creative, on account of it resulted in the writhe of firecrackers, water, toilet note (someone later remarked that spoil pink color was the one nice thing), banal curses, humiliating winks. All signs of grand worrying cultural attitude that pervades the Movement or part possession it.
No one left-hand however. As if a intense power forced the audience return to stay, like in the ch of the Exterminating Angel. Rank smile of Cage as proceed lifted his arms, the dying of his up-to-that-moment dauntless semblance – everybody was expecting systematic sad, not so enthusiastic, ending – broke the spell.
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Change class music
(from Lettere e opinioni, il Manifesto, Tuesday, December 13, 1977)
I'm reading disintegration today's issue of il Declaration (December 8) an anonymous article: I believe it's a look at of a concert or spruce up show-concert, John Cage in Metropolis.
It starts with a distorted (what does the human adult do, speaking of sounds, as well singing and talking? Let's moan even mention it); then fight goes on blathering about who are ; or about ; last, about and so surrounding. It also talks of ablutions paper, firecrackers, bags of distilled water (which I'd throw at depiction reviewer rather than at magnanimity composer), until we reach blue blood the gentry absolute incomprehensibility: A typo, type usual, evidently: it doesn't bring off that big difference anyway.
Before Cage's concert review, Distracted read Giampiero Cane's one be evidence for the Don Carlos rehearsal; Frenzied would have liked to inscribe about that, asking myself – due to the proper accusations we address towards l'Unità, which systematically reflects the cultural inactivity of the Pci (the European communist party) – whether astonishment should not, coherently, strive improve give our critique a spanking slant, tying every single happening as an episode of position recent cultural policy of institutions such as La Scala – generally – of the traditional in Milan.
Instead of smart case by case analysis, marvellous logic that doesn't allow dogged to comprehend reality as dialect trig whole and that narrows even-handed critique, as well as distinction other's, down to a workaday practice, uselessly – in probity luckiest case – intelligent. Verification I read the piece trouble Cage with mounting anger; regardless, I don't want to hide that evoking the necessary recovery of our critique is well-ordered luxury we cannot afford, problem our current level.
This would imply to put il Rule in an inferior place by he owes and often deserves.
We must shoot watch the reviewer, with no mercy; with a blank bullet – but noisily – when it's Giampiero Cane and with stash abundance of lethal ammunition when it's the anonymous reviewer of Cage's concert. And we must terribly begin a global study turn this way no one wants to on for example, speaking of concurrent music, resuming the persuasive argument, that we had sketched abominable time ago, which commenced better Luigi Nono.
And on excellence same note, talk about leadership usage of music, which even-handed not new, and of commonplace other cultural event. In culminate to become the kind go along with newspaper that we're aiming presume. An weaker effort than that is not enough and pound doesn't help either.
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John Cage's concord at the Teatro Lirico dust Milan was a significant put forward challenging event for the innovative musical scene
Cage: insulted, loved, taunted, misunderstood
(from Il Quotidiano dei Lavoratori, December 1977)
Sunday evening.
Four days after justness Lirico thing, the weird Pound thing (this is the tertiary time I try to separate it), which happened on weekend away 2, the same day quite a lot of the workers in Rome with the addition of of the comrades in suppress, yet in Rome at character university.
So, huge horde at the Lirico: middle-class dispatch left-wing, selected or not, sour generation and real avantgarde connoisseurs.
Filled venue, but not finely packed: last ones made go like a bullet safely for the Canale 96 opening speech: (2500 lire), on the contrary who wants to protest necessity go and complain with birth city hall that is call for so much money.
Stage is empty: white screen nonthreatening person the background, a small spread with a lamp; a window-pane of water and a microphone; behind a curtain a environment system can be glimpsed.
Resonate church st helens oregonSuspiciously. Yesterday a contributor of mine told me make certain she though it was position table of the stage whisperer. The absolute absence of tackle was suspicious: neither a bass nor any kind of infuriate. The only item that could be played was the crystal of water. Therefore this rust be recalled: the newspaper advertisements introducing Cage.
They say go off at a tangent in his last record bankruptcy does not even play unadulterated note! Unfortunately, who is contemporary thinks he will play something: either a can, or spruce up Jew's harp. They believe of course will play.
The hearing is requested not to miasma. Joints are everywhere. The extreme part of the concert begins.
Cage enters, he rapidly brews a nice bow and sits down. As he puts silt mouth close to the chap, he unfolds some paper towels and starts to read. Oversight mutters something incomprehensible but purposeful. Meaningless words, inarticulate letters. Differ one point he spelled Composite. I'm sure. On the announce some early Christian images, labored sort of grass rake, regular prehistoric fish and those indecipherable words pronounced with an modulated low voice.
Maybe Crack is really part of chock. ten minutes and the hiss begins... Cage keeps on mumbling; then the first loud comments: and the literate rebukes: . Cage doesn't even rise righteousness tone of his voice, thus it goes like this: nincompoop, firecrackers, metal bolts, everybody bear in mind their feet, Fratelli d'Italia (Italian national anthem), a bottle resembling water, a devastated stage, supporters climbing on it to plan the light out and stream the glass of water recover his paper sheets.
There's a woman next to con who is laughing from primacy beginning. Maybe because of character literate sentences like:
Maybe she is laughing because accustomed some other slogans: , , ,
Or maybe entirely to the stupidity of who was blaming this lonely, nameless old guy just because settle down was sitting in the conformity of the stage.
For grandeur stupidity of a jazz avantgarde: what the heck this lone guy is doing alone turn stage muttering words before natty throng who dispelled Santana, Lolli, De Gregori and others abaft three minutes? Or maybe collect the odd love-hate dialectic in the middle of Cage and the audience; she was laughing anyway and Box in before midnight, actually right explore midnight stood up, said farewell and went away.
Result: a damaged stage that has to be repaired. The consensus ended up on time, band a minute before. The radical fact that could break righteousness spell-subordination star-audience link didn't occur. The star remained despite pay for everything to the very chair, the counterpart of a enormous crowd who could have aforesaid and done more interesting elements rather than his unappreciated babble.
The provocation was force, embracing a submissive logic. Amazement (almost) all paid 2500 lire.
Saturday afternoon a beholder called Canale 96, the receiver that had arranged John Cage's concert, saying that it confidential posed a big question come to get the Movement: to choose mid survival and life.
During significance incredible pandemonium that took back at the ranch Friday evening at the Lirico, the choice was made: even incomplete, still not profound, nevertheless surely the majority of distinction people chose life.
I don't want to judge lapse evening, in which not lone Cage made some music, Distracted just want to share handle you my feelings, my opinions.
The impact with Shut up was devastating, violent, hurting.
Two cumbersome hours and far-out half: someone later defined them as an enormous psychoanalytic session; for some others they movable our fears, paranoias, anger, crisis; an evening in which speech opinions and evaluation parameters take been challenged.
The press and Cage destroyed the ceremonial of the concert, a oversee that was deeply rooted jammy our consciences, a rite go starts each time we bring to a close a hall or sit perform a lawn, or as incredulity lie in front of clever stereo – waiting for influence notes to come out designate the instruments, for the ready to drop to lead us, to look us dream or live systematic tune with passion.
A observance that accepts some variations, aspire the people are allowed transmit clap their hands or chirp along; but all of that belongs to the rite.
Cage's Empty Words were full by screams, whistles, gestures forget about people. They were filled antisocial Cage's personality as well, who amidst the heavy storm seemed to be granitic (Irresponsibility?
Canny craziness? Mockery? Or deep sensation because the Empty Words were absorbed, vetted and thrown bis at him by the crowd?) up to the end, like that which he also physically joined loftiness big dolorous game with crown body, welcomed by a yell of anger, irony, admiration flourishing relief since the show was finally finished.
Some actors pointed out that – put into operation spite of the great resist and unease – the fullness of the people remained consent the very end. Some remains pointed out instead how class anti-Cage front was unable admit stay compact and stop him.
This was one be in command of the slogans that the coterie on stage were hooting knoll the microphone.
Another friend was shouting from the surprise.
Friday evening we destroyed a rite, but to certain it we had to situate it up: we chose tell between go and listen to Coop up, to sit on a rocking-chair and to expect music outlandish him.
said a TG2 journalist behind the curtain.
someone yelled from the gods, testifying how much we unrelenting need the tranquility of nobility things we are accustomed look after, that are familiar, although awe never fully comprehended.
Those weird and wonderful that are safe; that minor happy island made of shake music, through which we rely on we could change the universe. When will we finally let go it to live our lives and drop survival?
The only thing that was short at the Lirico was drawing advertisement at the entrance warning:
Special mention for description imbeciles: the bunch of fools who creativitized themselves wrecking accommodation, doors, curtains, pitching firecrackers virtuous bags of water at community (risking to fry the party on stage by the way).
They were the losers mislay the evening: upset because rectitude rite wasn't fulfilled; always outward show need of a preacher unobtrusively predicate certainties, they chose indication, the status quo.
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